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Blue Black C- 44 is a concentrated liquid that develops a blue-black tone on solid or plated copper, brass, and bronze at room temperature. Blue Black C- 44 is used primarily for decorative purposes. If you're interested in bluing copper, order yours now!

Product Description
Parts must be free of grease, alkalinity or acid when Blue Black C-44 is applied. Parts must be thoroughly cleaned and deoxidized prior to blackening. Cleaner 104 is recommended for removing heavy oils and oxidation. Do not use petroleum-degreasing solvents that leave a residue on the surface. Rinse thoroughly with overflowing cold water to remove residual cleaners and dust. It is important that alkaline cleaners are completely rinsed off prior to blackening.
IMPORTANT: Triple- S does NOT recommend using any sort of alcohol, solvent, acid or degreaser to clean parts prior to solution application. Cleaner 104 is a great cleaner to ready parts for Blue Black C-44 or even powdered cleaners such as Ajax or Comet can also be used. When bluing copper, be sure to use the cleaner in conjunction with a scotch-brite pad and apply medium-strength scrubbing to prepare the part then thoroughly rinse with fresh water. Cleaner 104 run off should be contained and disposed of as per local hazmat disposal laws.

The information stated herein is based on information and tests we believe to be reliable. The accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed. Since conditions of use are outside our control, user shall, before using, determine the suitability of the product for his intended use and user assumes all risk and liability in connection therewith.